Quality Counts

What is Quality Counts?

Quality Counts is an online program designed to teach youth to have high standards in caring for their livestock.  The program focuses on displaying good character while working with livestock. This number is required for ALL stock show entries (county AND major stock shows).

How do we prepare for the exam and where do I go to take the Quality Counts Exam?

Exhibitors will access the course and exam at https://agrilifelearn.tamu.edu/s/product/quality-counts/01t4x000008HBZdAAO 

Each exhibitor MUST register with their own email address!

Step by step instructions on how to complete this process can be found by clicking:  https://texasyouthlivestock.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/QC-Enrollment-Instructions-UPDATED-2.pdf 

Quality Counts materials can be found at: https://texasyouthlivestock.com/quality-counts/ 


I am having technical problems with the online course and exam or I forgot my password or login information, who can help?

There is a technical team available at Learn Online who can help with technical problems, they can be reached by email to learnonline@ag.tamu.edu



My 4-H member has taken the quality counts exam previously, does he/she have to take it again?

It depends on the exhibitor’s grade level. Exhibitors must take and pass the exam as a junior once (grades 3-5), as an intermediate once (grades 6-8), and as a senior once (grades 9-12).


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