
Judging Contests

4-Hers may compete in teams of 3 or 4 members in judging contests.  In judging events, 4-Her’s judge various items according to the respective contest.  Members also learn teamwork and public speaking skills through oral reasoning.


Livestock Judging

Contact Emily Grant at 830-997-3452 if interested in participating in Livestock Judging.

Evaluating Market Steers

Evaluating Sheep

Evaluating Hogs

Meat Judging

Leaders: Brian Roeder & Katelyn Duecker


Other judging contests available in 4-H: Consumer Decision Making, Dairy Judging, Entomology, Horse Judging, Mohair Judging, Range and Pasture Grass Identification, Range Evaluation, Soils Judging, and Wool Judging.

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